Commissioning steps of dissolved air flotation machine
PRODUCT NEWS 2023-01-06
Commissioning steps of dissolved air flotation machine1. The commissioning procedure of the air flotation machine is to first inject clean water into the air flotation tank to check whether there is l

Commissioning steps of dissolved air flotation machine

1. The commissioning procedure of the air flotation machine is to first inject clean water into the air flotation tank to check whether there is leakage in each part of the tank.

2. Fill water and exhaust the dissolved air pump. After starting, gradually open the outlet water pipe valves until they are fully opened.

3. When the water level in the dissolved air tank rises and the pressure reaches the maximum value that can be provided by the water pump, suddenly open the outlet valve of the dissolved air tank and flush the dissolved air pipe with high-pressure water for several times. Then start the air compressor. When the air pressure in the dissolved air tank reaches 490kPa, suddenly open the outlet valve of the dissolved air tank, flush the dissolved air pipeline again with rapid air flow, and repeat several times. Finally, flush with high-pressure water several times. Operate for many times until the dissolved gas pipeline is flushed, and then turn off the dissolved gas pump and air compressor.

4. For the commissioning of the air flotation machine, the vent valves of the contact chamber and reaction chamber shall be opened to lower the water level to a certain height or vent.

5. Install the upper releasers one by one and tighten them by hand. (Do not use a wrench to tighten)

6. The commissioning steps of the air flotation machine are to restart the dissolved air pump and air compressor. When the pressure of the air compressor exceeds the pressure of the water pump, slightly open the gate valve to make the air and water enter the dissolved air tank to dissolve the air at the same time. Note that the air valve cannot be opened too much to avoid the phenomenon that the pressure of the air compressor drops sharply and water pours back.

7. When it is observed that the water level indicator pipe of the dissolved air tank has a water depth of about one meter, all outlet valves of the dissolved air tank shall be opened, and the gas release condition and effect of the dissolved air water shall be observed in the contact chamber.

8. Use the gate valve to regulate the air supply of the air compressor until the water level of the dissolved air tank is basically stable within the range of 0.6-1.0m (neither submerging the filler nor too low, and a small amount of water level rise and fall can be adjusted by opening the vent valve of the dissolved air tank slightly. Fully open the outlet valve to prevent the interception of the outlet valve and the release of bubbles in advance.

9. Open the water inlet valve of the air flotation machine after the dissolved air and gas release system are completely normal, and at the same time, put in a little excessive coagulant.

10. Control the water inlet valve to limit the water inflow within the design range.

11. Control the outlet valve of the air flotation tank to stabilize the water level of the air flotation tank at the slag collecting slot. After the water level is stabilized, measure the treated water volume with flowmeter, water meter and other equipment, and adjust it with inlet and outlet valves until the design flow is reached.

12. During the commissioning of the air flotation machine, the main water quality indicators shall be continuously inspected at the initial stage of operation. Unqualified effluent shall be directly discharged into the sewer system through the overtopping pipe or returned to the sump. Only after being qualified, can it enter the subsequent treatment structures. If the treated water quality is too good, the dosage of chemicals can be gradually reduced until it is normal.

Commissioning steps of dissolved air flotation machine

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