Treatment of Slaughterhouse Wastewater with Dissolved Air Flotation Machine
PRODUCT NEWS 2022-09-28
Slaughter wastewater cannot be directly discharged. Slaughter wastewater is generally dark red and has a fishy smell. If it is directly discharged, it will seriously pollute the environment and seriou

Slaughter wastewater cannot be directly discharged. Slaughter wastewater is generally dark red and has a fishy smell. If it is directly discharged, it will seriously pollute the environment and seriously damage the ecosystem. The main ingredients are: animal feces, blood, animal viscera, animal hair, minced meat, oil and other organic substances, which belong to high concentration organic sewage. The fat, protein and other substances in the sewage are directly discharged into the water body without treatment, which will cause serious eutrophication of the surrounding water body, seriously damage the self purification ability of the water body, cause the water body to become black and smelly, and affect the environment and agricultural irrigation.

Pretreatment is a very important link to achieve the standard of slaughter wastewater treatment. Its success directly determines the key to the effectiveness of the biochemical and whole set of equipment in the later stage. As there are many solid impurities in slaughter wastewater, grids may be required to intercept it in the early stage.

Treatment of Slaughterhouse Wastewater with Dissolved Air Flotation Machine

Treatment of Slaughterhouse Wastewater with Dissolved Air Flotation Machine

Reasons for interception of slaughter wastewater pretreatment:

1. Prevent subsequent pipe plugging.

2. Prevent the increase of COD and BOD concentration of water quality in the later period.

Pretreatment mainly includes sedimentation, oil separation, grid, aeration, air flotation machine, etc.

Application of Air Flotation in Slaughter Wastewater

The air flotation process can be divided into electrolysis (coagulation) air flotation, dissolved air flotation, etc. according to the different ways of bubble generation. Part of the reflux pressure dissolved air flotation is a commonly used process for water treatment, which can be used as a new technology to replace sedimentation in some aspects.

The mechanism of dissolved air flotation is to provide sufficient microbubbles for wastewater, use highly dispersed microbubbles as carriers to attach suspended solids in wastewater, make its density lower than that of water, float to the water surface, and realize solid-liquid separation process. It can be used to separate ions from solids, solids and liquids, liquids and even solutes in water.

In order to improve the treatment effect of air flotation, it is necessary to conduct coagulation and dosing treatment before the sewage enters the air flotation machine. The wastewater from the pig farm first enters the collecting tank to store water, and then enters the grid to remove solid impurities through the fine grid. The sewage filtered by the grid enters the regulating tank. The purpose of the system is to adjust the water volume. Air flotation can effectively separate fine suspended solids in water and reduce SS in water. The wastewater treated by the air flotation system enters the hydrolysis acidification tank.

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