Analysis of Common Faults of Dissolved Air Floater
PRODUCT NEWS 2022-11-24
The dissolved air flotation machine is suitable for treating water with low turbidity, high color, high organic content, low oil content, low surfactant content or algae rich water. Compared with othe

The dissolved air flotation machine is suitable for treating water with low turbidity, high color, high organic content, low oil content, low surfactant content or algae rich water. Compared with other air flotation methods, it has the advantages of high hydraulic load, compact tank, etc. However, its application is limited by its complex process, large power consumption, and loud noise of air compressor.

The dissolved air floatation machine is a complete air floatation water purification device that uses new and efficient dissolved air equipment to dissolve air into water instead of traditional air entraining equipment, and installs several inclined tube groups in the air floatation area. Since it is an air flotation water purification device, it is inevitable that abnormal phenomena will occur after a long time of use.

1. The scum surface in the contact area is uneven, large bubbles appear locally or the water flow is unstable, so the releaser should be taken down to remove the blockage; The uneven surface of the scum in the separation area and the common rupture of large bubbles on the pool surface indicate that the adhesion between bubbles and flocs is not good, and the coagulation system should be adjusted by the inspection well; Unqualified effluent is returned to the collecting well, and qualified effluent enters the subsequent treatment system.

2. Control the water outlet regulating pipe or movable weir plate of the air flotation tank to stabilize the water level of the air flotation tank at 5-10cm below the slag accumulation notch. After the water level is stable, measure the treated water volume with flowmeter, water meter and other equipment, and adjust it with inlet and outlet water valves until the design flow is reached.

3. At the initial stage of operation, the main water quality indicators shall be continuously inspected. Unqualified effluent shall be directly sent to the water system through the overtopping pipe or returned to the water collecting well. Only after being qualified can it enter the subsequent treatment structures or be reused.

4. Check the floatation of airborne flocs and the thickness of scum in the flotation tank through the tank surface and observation window. When the scum accumulates to 5-8cm, start the slag scraper to scrape the slag. Check whether the slag and scum can be scraped, whether the overflow of the slag collecting tank is uniform, whether the slag flow is difficult, whether the running speed of the slag scraper is appropriate, and whether the effluent quality is affected.

Analysis of Common Faults of Dissolved Air Floater

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